
Our specialist team support individuals and organisations throughout the inquest process. We work with you to provide the pragmatic advice you need to manage reputational risk, while supporting your staff.


Inquests present health and social care providers with a number of challenges, including managing reputational risks and supporting staff through what can be a very stressful experience.

Whilst the style and approach of individual coroners can vary, the trend towards wider and more complex inquests continues, with coroners taking seriously their duty to consider whether organisations have done enough to prevent future deaths. Inquests are also attracting increasing scrutiny from regulatory bodies such as the CQC, HSE, and the Police, and can make good headline material for the media.

Our national team of health and social care regulatory lawyers have a wealth of experience supporting individuals and organisations across the sector through the inquest process, including complex Article 2/jury inquests involving multiple parties.

Our team's broad national coverage and excellent local knowledge of coroners' working practices enables us to offer a highly adept and practical service to NHS and independent sector organisations. We can work with you to provide support and advice in relation to inquests, including:

  • Initial scoping to explore risks, likely outcomes, level of support needed, and next steps
  • Advice on Duty of Candour thresholds and approach
  • Internal investigation support, including assistance with quality assuring serious incident reports/action plans
  • Assisting with witness preparation, both at operational level and at strategic level to address Prevention of Future Deaths Report risks
  • Board-level briefings/escalation as required
  • Attendance at pre-inquest review hearings covering issues such as inquest scope (e.g. whether there should be an Article 2 inquest), juries, witness lists and independent experts
  • Representation at final inquest hearings, including witness support and daily briefings on progress and risk to ensure you are on the front foot with media coverage
  • Debrief after the inquest, including feedback into clinical governance processes to help ensure future learning
  • Media planning, including assistance with preparing press communications
  • Acting as solicitor to the inquest, assisting the coroner with the management of the inquest, including preparation of bundles, instruction of experts and dealing with witnesses and interested parties
  • Training on all aspects of inquests, including tips on giving evidence and mock inquests

Featured experience

  • Advising on the highest profile mass fatality inquests, or those including a major incident or terrorism including the London 7/7 Bombings inquests, Lakanal House Fire inquests (in Camberwell), the Ian Tomlinson (G20 protest) inquest, and the Sudesh Amman Inquest
  • Advising on investigations into healthcare-related homicides and serious incidents

Inquests key contacts

Who we are

Why choose DAC Beachcroft?

We’re a broad-based commercial firm serving a wide range of sectors with a strong heritage in insurance,
health and real estate. We combine excellent legal skills and cutting-edge delivery expertise to design
solutions that fit the needs of our clients – often involving clever uses of technology.